Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What kind of videos can I upload?
A: You may upload any kind of personal video that you shot, or that features you. We don't allow any nudity and your video must be appropriate for all audiences. Videos which violate these rules will be removed.
Q: How long can my video be?
A: Your videos must all be under 10 minutes, and the video file you upload must be less than 100 MB in size.
Q: What video file formats can I upload?
A: BitVide accepts video files from most digital cameras in the .AVI, .MOV, .MPG and .MP4 file formats.
Q: How can I make my videos more entertaining?
A: We encourage you to spice up your videos by using simple video editing software such as Windows MovieMaker (included with every Windows installation), or Apple iMovie. Using these programs you can easily edit your videos, add soundtracks, etc.
Q: Wasn't this site made 3 months ago, how is there videos from 2 years ago?
A: We used some of the videos from the database of another site called YasFam, also made my TimeRebiult, to add more flare that there is already more videos to watch.
Q: What kind of videos can I upload?
A: You may upload any kind of personal video that you shot, or that features you. We don't allow any nudity and your video must be appropriate for all audiences. Videos which violate these rules will be removed.
Q: How long can my video be?
A: Your videos must all be under 10 minutes, and the video file you upload must be less than 100 MB in size.
Q: What video file formats can I upload?
A: BitVide accepts video files from most digital cameras in the .AVI, .MOV, .MPG and .MP4 file formats.
Q: How can I make my videos more entertaining?
A: We encourage you to spice up your videos by using simple video editing software such as Windows MovieMaker (included with every Windows installation), or Apple iMovie. Using these programs you can easily edit your videos, add soundtracks, etc.
Q: Wasn't this site made 3 months ago, how is there videos from 2 years ago?
A: We used some of the videos from the database of another site called YasFam, also made my TimeRebiult, to add more flare that there is already more videos to watch.